A recipe for a successful holiday in 2024/2025

While working in IT for the second decade, observing older people and younger teammates getting stressed before their holidays, we have created a short guide to successful holidays for our friends.

Here are some tips that will make you and your relationship a few years younger.

Pods with heads

1 First thing - budget.

You certainly don’t want to come back from vacation worrying about how to buy a bread and how to pay the bills.

Budget - it is worth setting it even half a year in advance. It’s good to have a 10-20% reserve “just in case”.

Citroen Ami

2 Deadline

It is worth looking for non-expensive flights, accommodation or a car rental as soon as they appear on the horizon. You can plan attractions a bit later, but these three most expensive elements are worth considering earlier.

This gives you several bonuses:

  • Payments spread over time - less painful.
  • Early payments - usually provide the opportunity for a lower price or a more favorable exchange rate.
  • Our brain starts planning holidays. We know there’s something interesting waiting for us in the next few months/weeks this year.
  • The date is set well in advance - it’s hard to reject it at work ;)


3 Your team - your company

A good company is more important than the destination in my opinion. In good company, bad weather is not a problem. With a bad team, any inconvenience becomes a nightmare.

Colorful fishes

4 Tour guide

Usually, in each group there will be one extremely interested and knowledgeable person who researches offers, reads all reviews, plans trips, monitors current situations in a given country and on the border…

A tour guide like this is a treasure. It is only important that, apart from logistical topics, he/she has to have sufficient data about the preferences and requirements of his/her teammates.

Vacation - it’s not a marathon or a project.

Determine the goal and the proportions of sightseeing vs. free time. Doing nothing is also a form of relaxation. Acclimatization is needed. Each organism copes slightly differently with changes in scenery, climate, food, etc.

A temple in Sicily

5 Paperwork

A few months before departure, there is still time to obtain a passport, health insurance, car insurance and more. Is a visa needed? Do I need to postpone my visit or treatment at the dentist? Little things like this need to be planned.


6 Household chores

Taking care of your home, children, plants, animals? Are all bills paid on time? When will the next ones appear? Who will collect registered letters or parcels if necessary?

Remember: what can go wrong will go wrong (The Murphy’s Law).

Once, an annoying serviceman disconnected our electricity because a bill arrived while we were on vacation. Another time, the tax inspector demanded an explanation why there was no response to her e-mail for seven days!

Relax. Do what you can before. Have all your fees ready, plan B, plan C. The rest can wait.

Slipping cat

7 Weather

Planning trips in Poland well in advance is a disaster in my opinion. Statistically, there is a high chance of rain or storms during the holiday season for several days in a row. Flooding and rain occur locally.

This may devastate those who were planning a sunny vacation on the sand or in other natural settings.

It is worth checking alternative dates, postponing or canceling your trip.

Swimming pool

8 Surprises

It’s obvious that we don’t know everything.

Someone will be late, someone will get sick. There may be a drought or a fire may break out. Someone may be robbed or have stomach problems.

It’s all possible. The question is how flexible and prepared we are for such surprises?

  • What if the ticket is lost during check-in?
  • What if the queue at the airport before customs clearance surprises us?
  • What if the trip takes twice as long as planned? Do we have supplies of water, cash, energy and time?

Safety first. Everything else is a matter of time (and money). Surprises will come. It’s worth being prepared for this.

I share one of my stories here - Etna eruption in 2024 🌋 and safety of flights ✈.

Italy Polizia Municipale

9 Taboo topics

This is a very important issue - probably even the most important one.

Apart from the activities you have planned, the atmosphere is important.

If you are going to the other end of Europe with your life partner - forget about your problems. Forget about all liabilities, taxes, deadlines, renovations, duties, and doctor visits. Focus on the positive aspects of the holiday - freedom from problems and obligations. Everything that reminds you of problems - let it hang on a hook for a while. It can hang there in the waiting room until you return, or a little longer.

You may find that you have nothing to talk about. That’s OK. You can remain silent. You can look into each other’s eyes, listen to birds singing, cow bells ringing in the distance, and contemplate nature. Look at the stars at night and drink your favorite wine or ice water. Cuddle, listen to music, read a book, do nothing. Recall interesting adventures and make new dreams.

What is important in this case? Several years ago you didn’t have all these problems on vacation with you. Don’t take them with you this time!

This is a magical ingredient that rejuvenates the mind and body! I highly recommend it!


10 New habits

New people, new food, new skin care methods, new evening rituals. Good sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

It’s a return to youth… step by step, the tense skin on your forehead will begin to calm down a bit.

A bit of sun, along with blood cholesterol, stimulates the production of vitamin D3. This is a tiny bonus for You. Don’t forget to use a proper sunscreen with you and apply it as needed.

A daily dose of exercise on the fresh air stimulates the body to action.

Italy breakfast

Here’s a recipe for a successful holiday…

In my opinion, the most important ingredient is point #9 - Taboo topics. It requires some discipline, but it is certainly worth putting all our everyday dilemmas aside for a while and after returning with a new perspective, look at what really matters.

Have a pleasant holiday!


If this must-have for a vacationer - gave you a little joy, please share it with others. Please visit our mailing list for more interesting tips.

Have a nice holiday!

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Written by

Anna Cieśnik

A woman in IT breaking stereotypes.